Thursday, October 20, 2022

End Bed - Blocking



The NHS and social care need money. The government does not have it. It is a huge part of government expenditure.

The first big problem for hospitals is bed blocking.

The solution is to create ‘convalescent’ accommodations in high streets (to encourage high street footfall, use existing transport infrastructure and encourage friends and relatives to spend with small businesses - a win for local retailers). This would provide accommodation for patients who are ‘bed blocking’ for want of social care.

The capital investment for the convalescent centres project will be funded with new ‘NHS Bonds’ available to the public as well as financial Institutions.  

The capital will be used to convert (nightingale hospital style fast refurbishment) existing high street buildings into the range of beds and accommodation needed. 

The accommodation will also include small retail units providing goods and services that visitors can use plus restaurants/cafes for patients and visitors. 

These will provide revenues to support running costs. Other forms of revenue will come from electricity storage using building energy harvesting and trading in low to high-cost electricity activity using big batteries (which can also provide emergency electricity backup). Patients will also be expected to contribute to their care too.

Income will also have to be independent of the NHS budget and pay interest to bondholders.

Management will be vested in local people and not big conglomerates.

End-of-term NHS Bonds capital will be raised through the sale of leaseholds in the properties.

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