Saturday, February 07, 2015

CIPR to build ethics monitoring software?

Neolithic field patterns at Barbury Castle

This blog came into existence ten years ago. An eternity in social media terms.

It has always been controversial and now has to come back to life to examine the next evolution. 

Now I want to build on that history to argue the next big revolution to face PR. 

I want the CIPR to examine if it can avoid building software to judge and monitor the ethical efficacy of its members actions. 

First we have to look at practice as it will evolve to make such a decision so essential. We have to look at the emerging technologies and the role of PR in this new world.

The evolution of that activity which creates cultural acceptance for an organisation including knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society to contribute values through the creation of effective relationships.

It is not going to be easy.

Most will be as uninterested as the practitioner of 2005 was to the evolution of the internet and 'social media'.

Back then, the online PR activists of the day made it quite clear where the new and social media would go. Most people in the PR industry thought them slightly strange. 

It was at a time of some very powerful thinking.

We argued about why the world needed Public Relations

Then, most practitioners thought of PR as rather linea. 

Some of us had different views. We thought that news, views and marketing promotion needed to evolve into multiple touch contact with a range of constituencies. The feature of this form of communication was proposed with three types of consumer inter-reactions. These are: a primary touchpoint (TV); plus secondary (iTV, Web and SMS) and tertiary (newspapers, magazines, land and cellular telephony, email, discussion lists, Blogs, Wiki's, events, posters and interpersonal communication). Any of these channels could be primary, secondary or tertiary and in any combination for different forms of communication. The most successful PR and marketing programmes would, we thought, use this breadth of contact points and each offer a different experience. Imagine, in an era of Twitter and Facebook, that this was revolutionary in 2007!

It was a view of some of the functions in setting objectives strategy and tactic in a public relations programme using PR as the management process that creates wealth.

As this post shows, this process is unique in organisations because it is the only management discipline that has all the tools that can be used in the wealth creation process.

We were in a mood to see PR as interfering with culture and economics.

Now we have to see examine where the PR profession has to go.

This is where I intent to set out the associated agendas.

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