In a chaotic world organisms try to create order. This is true from the basic amoeba to the sentient human. In the case of the human we developed the idea that organisations are the preferred form of organisations. Tribes, governments, companies, associations, regulators... all are organisations to help provide order.
Organisations have boundaries They built the intellectual property wall.
Then came the internet. A form of competition evolved when radical transparency was used as a weapon. Declaring the price of a product online was good for selling products to customers but also told competitors the complete list of inventory retail prices, bargains and even slow moving stock discounts.
As transparency developed it became more extreme and there was more overt, covert and accidental transparency.
Today, it is possible to identify a high percentage of employees by name in LinkedIn and the relationship between a person's Twitter account, Facebook comments and friends across most of the nation. With such intelligence big data analysis shows up all the employees and their interests, friends, fears, motivations and much more. The organisation is thus radically transparent. It is no longer an organisation. At best it is a coalition.
The order that the living organism, the human being, sought is now subject to a myriad of variations.
Organisations are now chaotic and subject to more variables than at any time in the existence of mankind.
The internet profiles of organisation are sensitive to the actions of its employees; the actions of employees can be in any form online and affect offline as a matter of course and the range of effects of actions is very dense.
Organisations are now facing a future that is chaotic.
Such thoughts are significant for PR theory.
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