The PR industry is letting outsiders take over the role of communications advice, service and competence.
For example, many companies are already setting up shop in SecondLife. CNET Networks, Reuters, Adidas, Sun Microsystems, Toyota.
Is the PR industry involved. Yes. Notably Text100. And the other consultants?Big gaping void.
Instead there is Justin Bovington, CEO of Rivers Run Red, which helps companies like BBC Radio One create events and design buildings inside Second Life.
Media companies even face competition from virtual upstarts inside Second Life, including New World Notes and SL Herald.
Reuters has even commissioned its longtime tech reporter, Adam Pasick, to cover Second Life full-time and act as Reuters' Second Life bureau chief.
What does his wiki farm look like and where are his blog advisors?
Half of all people read their newspaper news online......
Does this tell us something?
I suppose its inevitable that established firms aren't as quick to catch on to the virtual world. When you manage by the numbers, the guy in the office who spends time hanging out in Second Life looks like he's got way too much time on his hands...