Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Podcasting PM

The Internet is sooooo slow at creating new communications channels. Its official according to Tony Blair.

The UK Prime Minister, Tony Blair suggested that "In 100 years time another Prime Minister may be using even better technology to get across what newspapers do which is inform people about events and launch some fantastic campaigns that make a real difference to people's lives."

The PM has recorded a podcast for his local paper The Northern Echo in what is believed to be a first for a Prime Minister for the paper serving his constituency of Sedgefield. It was recorded to mark the launch of the paper's new podcasting site. You can listen to his broadcast here.

Perhaps, in less than 100 years Tory leader, David Cameron will hold a political rally in Second Life which will be an even better technology in only a few weeks.

As another Labour Prime Minster, Harold Wilson, put it 'A week in politics is a long time”.

Picture: BBC

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