Thursday, May 17, 2012

Developing PR practice - before the Knowledge Graph eats our breakfast

This is a further posts about Public Relations as the practice which finds and synthesis information and disseminates it to relevant constituents to inform their decision making and actions.

There is a further one to come.

In the last post I  looked at how PR can use technologies to manage Big Data. With deep analysis of each citation, all the information for intelligence gathering, measurement, evaluation as well as trend analysis and looking for insights is available to the practitioner.

As my next post will show, we will soon need to have skills beyond curating information, adding a view point or corporate angle and publishing. The role of the press agent will be a function of the Google Knowledge Graph (of which more later).

This is not some future perfect this is of the here and now.

It needs to be. Our universe is changing rather fast and PR has to offer its constituencies information in digestible form to empower them when making decisions. We know that the novum tempus of PR practitice will offer the context with one hand and the detail, when needed, with the other.

In addition the PR constituency is broad. Because of social media, PR is catapulted into involvement with the citizen, constituent, consumer, journalist, employee, vendor and corporate decision maker and anyone else with an interest the matrix of global relationships.

To be part of a successful industry the practitioner has to be innovative in the development of PR practice in addition to creative execution of PR programmes. One can only concur with Stanford's Nathan Rosenberg (Rosenberg 2004)  that innovative activity is the single, most important. component of long-term economic growth in all forms of economic activity. This means that as the environment by which an organisation 

Finally, it needs to be innovative to access good ROI (profitability). This means fostering technology diffusion and innovation (based on Rogers (2003) ;  enhancing the quality of decision-making; and  increasing demand and reducing production costs.


Rosenberg, N. 2004 Innovation and Economic Growth

Rogers, E. M. (2003). Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). New York, NY: Free Press.

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