Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Tomorrow is available today - beyond Facebook

Lee Hopkins has seen a Social Network site that is very important to Public Relations. It does so many of the things that emerged from the thinking I posted about a couple of weeks ago and contributed in this podcast item for FIR.

The significance of the thinking offerd by these developments are Web 3.0 for this simple reason: They allow people to express themselves as multiple personalities.

Humans, being social animals behave differently in different contexts and among different groups in order to 'fit in' for the common 'good' at home 'master of all he surveys' at work; at work 'servant of the firm'.

Add this to a capability to display, adopt and adapt, the value systems of others, the unique values of the individual in social frame of the moment and to offer all this with semiotics as varied as photo's video, text, podcast/voice mail, tags, smilies and much more and we have something closer to face to face interactions.

These are drivers that make us a successful species and we yearn to use them in our societies. Its in our DNA and this is why I am with Lee. This is Web 3.0. This is about social networks doing the things that humans want to do - and its availble with ubiquitous communication.

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