Friday, November 03, 2006

Blogger pain

Eric Case, a Blogger product manager, acknowledges that Blogger has had a rough time recently due to what he calls "a perfect storm" of network hardware failures and other problems, reports PC Advisor.

However, Case said these issues will be a thing of the past once Blogger moves to a more solid and scalable platform. That's where Google is hosting the Blogger beta version, which is in limited availability and includes many new and improved features.

Still, some are running out of patience. On Sunday, after what she termed an "appalling week" of Blogger problems, Nicola Brown replicated her blog Life at the Edge over to the competing platform.

Google has apologised for last week's Blogger outages, describing them as a 'nuisance' and not representative of the kind of service it wants to provide. In its Blogger Buzz blog it explains that a number of unplanned outages were followed by deliberate ones as the causes were tackled.

Hmm.. if you have a lot of content invested in, this is not good.

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