Thursday, October 05, 2006

Google haf vays off making you tell zee truth

Jim Horton was really on the ball with this one. He posts:

No doubt you read this story in the last day or so about Google's CEO predicting a way on the internet for anyone to check the accuracy of a politician's statements. To some degree, that exists, but one has to dig. Schmidt is predicting in five years there will be an easy way for any citizen to do it and for a service like Google to render a probability of truthfulness.

What he failed to say is that similar truth-telling approaches will be applied to companies as well, such as this blog posting comparing the cost of car services for two chief executives in New York. Once facts are available somewhere, they are potentially available everywhere on the internet. It's a matter of building search and database functions.
monitoring, searching and fact checking is a habit. For the PR industry its time to hone those skills and for 'creatives', stretching the truth has a five year half life but even better we will get rid of the marketing speak garbage such as 'XXX company leader in...'.


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