Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Getting with it - are we competent?

Robbin Goodman, Executive Vice President and Partner, Makovsky and Company. Goodman argues a strong case for corporate blogging as an emerging public relations and business tool in a paper at the Institute for Public Relations.

But the case that she makes stands in stark contrast with the other thrust of her paper - which provides the most complete published review of findings from the Makovsky 2006 State of Corporate Blogging Survey. That study - a nationwide telephone survey of 150 senior executives (directors and above) of Fortune 1000 companies - was conducted for Makovsky by Harris Interactive.

"Who will admit that in 1996 they questioned - even doubted - the power of the Internet to transform the way business everywhere would be conducted?" Goodman writes. "Despite evidence of another major shift taking place, many senior executives seem determined to doubt the Internet's power to alter business communications."

Oh... yes and what about the communications sectors like Public Relations. Did they see the web coming? This time it is dimensions bigger. The PR job is to show corporate leaders how big, pervasive and structurally different and to point up the dangers and opportunities of disintermediation.

This is, of course consultancy. are we good enough at it yet?

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