Tuesday, September 26, 2006

David Davis launches new PR training service

David Davis has extended his askdd service.

The service ( www.askddtraining.com ) from “agony uncle” and former vice chairman of Edelman, the world’s largest independent PR company, comprises:

* Training needs analyses & planning
* Customised in-company workshops which are practical and tailored to meet the needs of individuals and their employers
* Continuous post-workshop mentoring
* Quality support materials
* Confidential management reports
* 1-2-1 coaching

The askdd service has a single fee of just £245 for up to a maximum of eight delegates at an askdd training workshop with a guaranteed 100% refund if there is any dissatisfaction with the quality of the service.

“This is a fairer way to charge. It doesn’t mean any lowering of standards and most importantly it brings professional PR training into the reach of even the smallest agency or in-house department.” David said.

David said that currently there was a mixed picture of PR training in Britain. On the bright side universities and professional bodies such as the Chartered Institute of Public Relations successfully offer longer term PR training to achieve a qualification for those who had the time and money; at the same time the large companies with HR departments invest heavily in improving the skills of their own people.

However, he notes, it was a serious concern that many PR companies and their people were being left behind in the training stakes because the public workshops were not delivering what is needed.

He had, he says, received many complaints about PR training workshops which critics claimed were often:

* Irrelevant with excessive focus on theory
* Did not meet individual needs
* Provided no follow up support
* Too expensive

If some of the blogging courses we see are anything to go by, one can but agree. So many of them identify 'control' as a key outcome. Silly really.

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