Thursday, March 09, 2006

Where Grunig Where Freeman

In travelling to and from The New Communications Forum, I have been reading about developments emanating from the the Computational Neurobiology Laboratory at the Salt Institute and in particular the Book by Steven Quartz and Terrance Sejnowski, Liars Lovers and Heroes.

It has been an effort to come up to date with the way our brains work, developments in the debate about nature and nurture and the influences that act on humans from a wider perspective than the traditional public relations and marketing perspectives.

The first thing that is apparent is that in the 20 years since Grunig and Freeman first conducted, on the one hand, the research and the other promulgated their theories, Much has changed.

We understand much more about how the mind develops and what inspires our actions.

Not least in this mix is the power of culture in this mix.

There is a rich vein here.

Picture: Post modern Thinker


  1. Anonymous9:20 pm

    Good to have you back, David - I really enjoyed our chats in Palo Alto.

  2. Thank you Philip. The New Communications Forum was the place to be last week.
