Monday, February 27, 2006

What is in the conversations - BREAKTHROUGH

In five days time, I will be at the New Communications Forum with Elizabeth Albryght talking about strategies and tactics needed to focus on building, extending and nurturing the entire universe of connections (people) for organizations. In particular we shall discuss how relationship management strategies will play a key role.

One of the key elements in such strategies is intelligence.

For the last three months I have been experimenting with how we can find the drivers of on-line conversations. Of course, we are not the only ones with this kind or interest.

At the 'Network Building: The Corporate Communicator's New Strategic Objective' session on March 3rd, I will show the results of this research.

What I will show is a graphical representation of conversations (above).

As graphics go its no great shakes but its significance is huge.

What it represents is evidence that we can see what is driving the news agenda. The findings reveal that we can see concepts that change and morph in near real time.

The research shows that we can also add a predictive element too and so if there is a variance we can build in an alert mechanism that shows that the news agenda is changing abnormally.

It is an approach anyone can use to find out lots of things such as: What values are driving product/issue/brand acceptance.

It has a range of practical applications: What (and who) are the 'conversation drivers' so we know not only who is contributing to the news agenda but what are values and conversation triggers. The research shows how we can find evidence of how well are our messages are reflected in the media (it works for blogs just as well as news posts) and what is driving competition and the views (in the case of blogs) of consumers.

This is not about messages put out by organisations, these are the concepts that are being driven by people (news rooms, blogs, Usenet, email etc).

With such intelligence, practitioners can then look at how they can engage in conversations to create, build and develop relationships for our clients.

One has to remember that these are laboratory findings. This is not a ready made solution but in just a few months we can envisage a range of commercial products being made available for general use and practice.

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