Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Porosity and Jean Charles de Menezes

Documents obtained by ITV News are alleged to reveal contradictions in evidence after the killing of an innocent Brazilian during the height of the bomb murders and subsequent attempts at additional bombings in London. According to ITV, a catalogue of police failures led to the death of Jean Charles de Menezes (pictured left) who was innocently caught up in the police response.

The significant part of this story is that, to quote the UK Prime Minister,"the rules of the game are changing”.

The rules that I refer to go back much further and go deeper than his present worries over treason and sedition.

These rules are the rules of transparency, porosity and agency first identified six years ago by the UK's Chartered Institute of Public Relations and the Public Relations Consultant's Association. Their joint Internet Commission reportextensive literature on what needs to be done.
pointed out that organisations would have to become or would be forced to be more transparent and, as a consequence it is appropriate to respond to the new rules of the game. There is

What the media calls leaks and I call porosity (because some of these events are not leaked, they are just made available in the public domain for anyone to pick up) have to change the way management (and this means PR management as well) operates and has changed the need for transparency and less spin.

Perhaps the Jo More lesson has not been learned. Internal actions are wide open for exposure and email leaks are well documented.

There are many other forms of Internet transparency and there are strategies that need to be implemented in an e-PR savy organisation.

The key issue here is that the rules of the game have changed and there is a need for a different form of governance and competent strategies.

The nature of organisation is different in an information rich age. In addition, this era is now mediated by many networks and we need to understand what the implications are.

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